Thank you for donating to Community Church of Mooresville! We value every contribution and look to God's leadership and direction to wisely use every dollar given. Thanks again!
Why should I give?
Your gift helps continue to reach people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Why should I not give?
You should not give if your own church would suffer by your gift to us. We ask that you suggest giving to your home church first.
We also suggest that you do not go into any debt by giving to our ministry. The decision to give using a credit card is left to you but please do not harm yourself financially as you give.
Thank you!
Your gift helps continue to reach people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Why should I not give?
You should not give if your own church would suffer by your gift to us. We ask that you suggest giving to your home church first.
We also suggest that you do not go into any debt by giving to our ministry. The decision to give using a credit card is left to you but please do not harm yourself financially as you give.
Thank you!